Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
Today we want to know more about the city of Farmagosta, one of the most attractive cities in Northern Cyprus. The country of North Cyprus has become the destination of many tourists from all over the world due to the proximity of culture and very beautiful and attractive nature, on the other hand, a large number of people like to immigrate to this country. One of the biggest tourist attractions of this city is its very beautiful and spectacular historical places, which is why many tourists are eager to see these works up close. Beautiful beaches, various shopping malls and appreciable tuition fees are other positive points of this city. Have you ever traveled there? Let’s get to know each other better.
Every city has important areas with historical nature tourism attractions or other things that most people travel there for this reason. The city of Famangosta is also an exception to this rule, after the capital of the northern country, this city is the second most important city in the country. This city does not welcome guests from all over the world every year like the rest of Northern Cyprus. If you are interested in immigrating to this country for investment or student residence, contact the advisors of Kargar Investment Group. Our experts will connect you to a safe investment with high experience and offers with the lowest possible risk.

Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
A short history of the city of Famagusta
First, we have to start with the name of this city. If we want to go back to the history of this city, Famagusta is a Greek name, but since there was a war during the formation of the country of Northern Cyprus and its division, and the Turkish army intervened, the Turkish-speaking part of it was conquered. This is why the people of this country, North Cyprus, speak two languages, Greek and Turkish. When the city of Acre fell in today’s Palestine, the Christians of this city migrated to Famagusta, which was no more than a small village at that time, and in a short time, this village became a rich city in the Christian world.
But this was not the whole story, this city also went through many crises. In 1372 Genoa and in 1489 Venice conquered the city. After the Venetians entered the city, they rebuilt the city’s security walls and fortifications and declared it as the foundation of Cyprus. Although many parts of this city were destroyed by natural factors such as earthquakes, and now a small part of it is inhabited and has a flow of life, but without a doubt, one of the best military architectures was engineered at that time. There is still a small part of that architecture in this city that attracts many tourists.

Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
Getting to know the city of Famagusta
Famagusta is the largest city in Northern Cyprus after the capital (Lefkosha) and the coastal city of Kyrenia. Famagusta has a special importance for having students all over the country. The population of the city is 40,000 people and the student population is 22,500 people, which provides a very good position for investors and those who are looking for income and investment in the strong currency of the British pound. Also, investing in commercial real estate through meeting the needs of students and students’ families, according to the existing needs, has provided a good basis for investment.
The waterfront area, especially the special area known as Long Beach, has a very high potential for investment in the field of buying property, apartments and land in Famagusta. According to the announcement of government agents and market analysis in the Long Beach region, we have seen a 100% increase in real estate in the entire region during the last 36 months. Due to the growth of the price of powerful currencies from the summer of 1995 to the summer of 1998 by 400%, the overall value of real estate investment for Iranians has increased by at least (400 + 100 = 500) percent, i.e. 5 times, and definitely It will be more in the coming years.

Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
Important centers in the city of Famagusta
Coastal protective wall: At the starting point of Famagusta in Cyprus, there is a large and tall wall along the coast. Archaeologists have analyzed this wall in such a way that it was created to protect the city from foreigners. As we said in the history section, one of the most attractive and modern military examples is located in this city, of which the coastal protection wall is one of them. In those times, relatively high fortifications and walls decorated the security of the city, and these walls were built in the best and strongest way possible, and they were also very complex in terms of architecture. We recommend that you visit there if you have a chance.
Lala Pasha Mosque and Namik Kamal Square: Walking through the back alleys of Famagusta is a special pleasure. There is a mosque in this city that used to be a church and it is called Lala Pasha Mosque. Surely, if you see it closely, you will be amazed by its beauty. The architecture of this mosque is very beautiful and eye-catching. Namik Kamal Square is one of the other sights of the city that can be visited on foot. This square has a design connected to the person and with originality, by walking in its environment, you will enjoy a unique walk.

Famagusta and getting to know this city in Northern Cyprus
City Mall shopping center: The shopping center has always been attractive, especially for women, a complete shopping center full of various goods that gives you a good feeling. Compared to other cities in Northern Cyprus, Famagusta city in Cyprus is more modern. And there are many and varied shopping centers. City Mall shopping center is one of the largest stores in Northern Cyprus and was built in this city. This shopping center is located close to Shahid Ebrahim Kazem road in Cyprus. As we said, there is a lot of variety in this market and if you want to buy, this is the best shopping center.
Karpaz Conservation Area: A very valuable conservation area is located in Karpaz, which is near the city of Famagusta. In this protected area, you can see the animal species and plant species of Cyprus, which are very enjoyable for tourists to see.