What is the language of Northern Cyprus?

What is the language of Northern Cyprus?

North Cyprus is one of the beautiful and attractive places that has attracted the attention of many people. This region is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean. Northern Cyprus has a great climate that attracts many tourists. Also, many people have migrated here because of the many facilities of North Cyprus.

Maybe you have also wondered what language do people speak in North Cyprus? About the language, I must say that most people in Northern Cyprus are of Turkish ethnicity and speak Turkish. But there are parts of Northern Cyprus that belong to Greece and have people who speak Greek. Stay with us in the rest of the article to talk more about the language of the people of Northern Cyprus.

Linguistics of Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus has many unique places to visit and enjoy. Because of this, many tourists are attracted to North Cyprus every year. In addition, the climate of North Cyprus has caused many tourists to travel to this area in all seasons of the year. Regarding the linguistics of Northern Cyprus, I must say that the language in this region is divided into two types of official and unofficial languages. In order to have a pleasant experience when traveling to North Cyprus, you must have sufficient knowledge of these languages. As we said, the language of the people of Northern Cyprus is official and unofficial, which we will discuss further.

Linguistics of Northern Cyprus

Linguistics of Northern Cyprus

The official languages ​​of Cyprus

Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea that has two independent countries, North Cyprus and South Cyprus. Because these two countries are independent from each other, they also have different languages. In Southern Cyprus, their official language is Greek. Greek has become very popular in this region due to its long history and culture. More than 60% of the people of this region speak Greek. Northern Cyprus is considered a part of Türkiye and the language of the people of this region is Turkish. Considering that Northern Cyprus is close to Turkey, Turkish is recognized as the official language in this country.

About 80 to 90 percent of the people of this region speak Turkish. Other languages ​​are also used in these two regions. English is used as a second language and an international language in this region. Cyprus is a region that attracts many tourists, so they speak English in most of its parts to communicate with them better.

Unofficial languages ​​in Cyprus

In addition to the official languages ​​in Cyprus, there are also many unofficial languages ​​that are used by some groups or individuals. Some of those languages ​​include:

Cypriot language: Cypriot language is a solution language that some Greek people use. This language is influenced by Greek and Turkish languages ​​and has differences with Greek language.
Cypriot Turkmen language: Cypriot Turkmen language is used by some Cypriots. The Cypriot Turkmen language has also been influenced by the Turkish language and has a number of differences with it.
Romanian Cypriot language: There are Romanian groups living in Cyprus who use the Romanian language as their language.
What language should we learn to immigrate to Cyprus?

Unofficial languages ​​in Cyprus

Unofficial languages ​​in Cyprus

As we said, Cyprus is one of the tourist countries that many people travel to or migrate to every year. In Iran, people immigrate to North Cyprus every year, and the goals of these immigrants are education, investment, etc. In order to travel or immigrate to Cyprus, you must have a relative command of Turkish or English. Of course, due to the fact that this country is a tourist, it is enough to know and use the English language. Many people speak English in both North and South Cyprus.

In which city of Cyprus is English more popular?

In the cities of Kyrenia and Kyrenia, which are famous cities with good weather in Northern Cyprus, English is more popular and they use it more. In addition to language, English culture is more visible in these cities than in other cities of Cyprus. Perhaps one of the reasons is the presence of English villages in these cities.

city of Cyprus is English more popular

city of Cyprus is English more popular

final word

If you are planning to immigrate to North or South Cyprus or want to travel there for fun, knowing the official and unofficial languages ​​of this country is one of the requirements. You must have enough knowledge of the general language of the region you are planning to travel to. For example, if you plan to travel to Northern Cyprus, you must learn and have a relative command of the Turkish language.

Also, if you plan to travel to South Cyprus, it is better to master the Greek language because the people there speak Greek. In general, if you are fluent in English, you can travel to Cyprus because English is an international language and is used in every country.

For more information on obtaining a residence permit in North Cyprus, you can visit Kargar’s website and use their services. If you are planning to immigrate to Northern Cyprus, you can get good information about this country by visiting the Kargar website.

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