Turkish terms at the airport

Turkish terms at the airport

Turkish airports, especially Istanbul International Airport, are the gateway for many Iranian tourists to this spectacular country. But let’s admit that passing through different parts of the airport and communicating with the personnel can be a bit challenging without knowing the terms of the Turkish language. Don’t worry at all! This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the most important Turkish language terms at the airport and bring you a smooth and carefree journey.

Let’s say you’ve arrived at the Istanbul airport, handed over your luggage, and now you’re looking for your flight gate. In the meantime, the signs and speakers are full of Turkish terms. No need to worry at all! With a little basic knowledge, you can easily understand their meaning.

One of the first Turkish language terms that you will hear is probably “Terminal”. Large airports usually have several separate terminals. So it is better to know which terminal your flight departs from before traveling. This information is usually included on your ticket.

Now that you have found your terminal, look for “Giriş” (entrance) to enter the main hall. In this hall, you will come across a lot of signs and signs, each of which contains different Turkish terms. do not be scared! We gradually get to know each of them.

One of the most important parts of the airport is the “Güvenlik Kontrolü” (security check). In this section, you have to pass through gates that scan your belongings with X-rays. You probably know the term “X-Ray” in English; But in Turkish it is called “X-Ray Device” (X-ray device).

After passing through the security check, you will arrive at the waiting room. This hall is usually marked with the words “Transit” or “Aktarma”. Here you can wait for the boarding announcement.

In the waiting room, you will probably come across other Turkish terms. For example, if you want to eat or drink something, you can search for “Cafe” or “Restaurant”. You can use the following phrases to order food or drinks:

  • Ne yiyecegım/içeceğim var? (Would I like something to eat/drink?)
  • Bu ne kadar? (How much is this?)
  • Thank you (Thank you.)

In addition, you may need to use the restroom. If so, look for “Tuvalet” (toilet).

One of the most important moments at the airport is when your flight gate is announced. This phrase is called “Biniş Kartı” (flight card) or “Gate” in Turkish.

When you arrive at your flight gate, you must show your boarding pass and passport to the control agent. At this stage, the agent may ask you questions in Turkish. Do not worry! Knowing a few simple phrases, you can answer them easily. for example:

  • Pasaportum nerede? (Where is my passport?)
  • Biniş kartım nerede? (Where is my flight card?)
  • What is your number? (What is my flight number?)

After passing through the flight gate, you will finally board the plane and soon you will be in the beautiful land of Turkey. But your journey does not end here! In the next part of this comprehensive guide, you will get to know the Turkish terms that will come in handy during your flight and when you arrive in Turkey.

Turkish terms for flying and entering Türkiye

Now that you’ve boarded the plane, it’s time to familiarize yourself with Turkish terms related to flying.

  • Kabin Memuru: Steward
  • Emniyet Kemeri: Seat belt
  • Yemek Servisi: serving food
  • İçecek Servisi: Serving drinks
  • Tuvalet: bathroom
  • Acil Çıkış: Emergency exit
  • Flüçö Tışflisi: Flight crew

When you arrive at your destination airport, you must go through the “Gümrük” (customs) section. In this section, the customs officers may ask you questions in Turkish. To answer these questions, you can use the following expressions:

  • I don’t have anything. (I have nothing.)
  • Sadece personal items var. (I only have personal items.)
  • Gümrük beyannamesi tollmak istiorum. (I want to fill out the customs form.)

After passing through the customs, it is time to receive the luggage. To find the baggage delivery section, look for “Bagaj Teslim” (Baggage Delivery).

Finally, with a taxi or private vehicle, you can go to your hotel or accommodation. At this point, you may need to use Turkish terms to ask for an address or ask for help.

In the previous parts of this comprehensive guide, we got acquainted with the terms of the Turkish language at the airport and when entering Turkey. In this final section, we introduce some other useful phrases and terms that will come in handy during your trip.


  • Bir: one
  • İki: two
  • Üç: Three
  • Dört: Four
  • Beş: Five
  • Altı: Six
  • Yedi: Seven
  • Sekiz: Eight
  • Dokuz: Nine
  • On: Ten


  • Siyah: Black
  • Beyaz: White
  • Kırmızı: Red
  • Mavi: Blue
  • Yeşil: Green
  • Sarı: Yellow
  • Turuncu: Orange
  • Mor: Purple
  • Kahverengi: Brown


  • Sabah: Morning
  • Öğlen: Noon
  • Akşam: Evening
  • Gece: Night
  • Saat: Hour
  • Dakika: minutes


  • Sağ: Right
  • Sol: Left
  • Ön: front
  • Arka: Back
  • Yukarı: Up
  • Aşağı: down

Functional phrases:

  • Teşekkür ederim: Thank you.
  • Lüfte: Please.
  • Yardım edibel misiniz? Yardım edibel misiniz?
  • Anlamadim: I did not understand.
  • Konuşmuyorum: I don’t speak.
  • Do you speak English? do you speak english
  • Yardıma nızızım var: I need help.
  • Neredeyim? where am I?
  • Tuvalete nasıl gidebilirim? How can I go to the bathroom?
  • Taksiye nasıl binebilirim? How can I take a taxi?
  • Otele nasıl gidebilirim? How can I go to the hotel?

By learning these Turkish terms and applying them during your trip, you can easily communicate with the locals and enjoy an enjoyable and memorable experience in Turkey.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company, with more than 14 years of brilliant experience in the field of investment and property purchase in North Cyprus, is ready to provide you with expert advice. For more information and to book a free consultation, you can contact our experienced experts.

Useful phrases at the airport in Turkish:

Before the flight:

  • Biniş kartım nerede? (Where is my flight card?)
  • Pasaportum nerede? (Where is my passport?)
  • What is your number? (What is my flight number?)
  • Where is the entry door? (Where is my flight gate?)
  • Where is the toilet? (Where is the restroom?)
  • Kaçta kalkiyor? (What time does it fly?)
  • Yemek servisi var mı? (Is there food service?)
  • Yardım edibel misiniz? (Can you help?)

When entering Türkiye:

  • Can I get a visa? (Where can I get a visa?)
  • Gümrük beyannamesi tollmak istiorum. (I want to fill out the customs form.)
  • I don’t have anything. (I have nothing.)
  • Sadece personal items var. (I only have personal items.)
  • Bagajım nerde? (Where is my suitcase?)
  • Taksiye nasıl binebilirim? (How can I take a taxi?)
  • Otele nasıl gidebilirim? (How can I get to the hotel?)

During the flight:

  • Su/meyve suyu alabilir miyim? (Can I have water/juice?)
  • Yemek alabilir miyim? (Can I have food?)
  • Battaniye alabilir miyim? (Can I have a blanket?)
  • Kulaklık alabilir miyim? (Can I have headphones?)
  • Tuvalete nasıl gidebilirim? (How can I go to the bathroom?)
  • Hostes/Host nerde? (Where is the host/hostess?)
  • Acil durum haldi ne yapmalıyım? (What should I do in an emergency?)

Polite expressions:

  • Thank you (Thank you.)
  • Please (Please.)
  • Yardım edibel misiniz? (Can you help?)
  • Affedersiniz. (Sorry.)
  • Kolay gelsin. (Good luck.)

Other phrases:

  • Evet: Yes
  • Hayır: No
  • Anlamadim: I did not understand.
  • Konuşmuyorum: I don’t speak.
  • Do you speak English? do you speak english
  • Yardıma nızızım var: I need help.

Common phrases for taking a taxi to the hotel in Turkish:

When finding a taxi:

  • Taxi! (Taxi!)
  • Is there a taxi? (Is the taxi empty?)
  • Otele gitmek istiyorum (I want to go to the hotel.)
  • (Say the name of your hotel in Turkish).
  • (I am going to the hotel (name of my hotel).)

Inside the taxi:

  • Please take beni (say the name of your hotel in Turkish). (Please take me to (your hotel name) hotel.)
  • Havavalandan geliyorum (I am coming from the airport.)
  • Ne kadar tutar? (how much?)
  • Do you speak English? (Do you speak English?)
  • I don’t speak Türkçe (I can not speak turkish.)
  • Can you talk more slowly? (Can you speak more slowly?)

When paying the fare:

  • How much lira? (how many lira?)
  • very expensive (Too expensive.)
  • Biraz indirim takırım misiniz? (Can you give a little discount?)
  • Thank you (Thank you.)
  • Thanks for the ride. (Thanks for the trip.)

Common hotel phrases in Turkish:

When entering the hotel:

  • Merhaba, reservationum var. (Hello, I have a reservation.)
  • Oda numaram nedir? (What is my room number?)
  • When can we enter? (What time can I check in?)
  • Bagajımı bırşıbilir miyim? (Can I leave my luggage?)
  • What is Wi-Fi password? (What is the Wi-Fi password?)
  • Park yeri var mı? (Is there a parking space?)
  • Kahvaltı dahil mi? (Is breakfast included?)

During the stay:

  • Havlu veisiliri istiyorum. (I want to change the towel.)
  • Oda temizliği iştiorum (I want the room to be cleaned.)
  • Tuvalet paper bitti. (Toilet paper has run out.)
  • Klima doesn’t work. (The air conditioner does not work.)
  • Yardım edibel misiniz? (Can you help?)

When leaving the hotel:

  • I want to close the account. (I want to count.)
  • Valizimi alabilir miyim? (Can I have my luggage?)
  • I am satisfied with the hotel. (I was satisfied with my stay at the hotel.)
  • Thank you (Thank you.)

Polite expressions:

  • Please (Please.)
  • Thank you (Thank you.)
  • thank you (you’re welcome.)
  • Affedersiniz. (Sorry.)
  • Kolay gelsin. (Good luck.)

By using these sentences and expressions, you can easily talk to the hotel staff in Turkish and enjoy a calm and worry-free stay.

final word

As you can see, learning Turkish terms at the airport can make your trip to Turkey much easier and more enjoyable. By using these terms, you can easily communicate with airport personnel, flight attendants and other travelers and enjoy a relaxing and memorable stay in this beautiful country.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company, with more than 14 years of brilliant experience in the field of investment and property purchase in North Cyprus, is ready to provide you with expert advice.

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