Survey of schools in North Cyprus 2024

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North Cyprus Schools Review 2024: A comprehensive guide for families

A beautiful and culturally rich country on the Mediterranean Sea, Northern Cyprus has become an increasingly popular destination for families looking for quality education for their children due to its affordable tuition fees. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of North Cyprus schools in 2024 and provide comprehensive information about the education system, schools, fees, admission requirements and more.

What is the advantage of studying in North Cyprus schools?

There are many reasons to choose North Cyprus as a destination for your children’s education. Here are some of the key benefits:

Affordable costs: Compared to other European countries, the cost of studying and living in Northern Cyprus is very affordable. This makes North Cyprus an ideal choice for families on a tight budget.
Quality of Education: Northern Cyprus schools are known for providing high quality education to students. Many schools follow an international curriculum and teach in English, which provides excellent opportunities for students to be exposed to different cultures and languages.
Safe Environment: Northern Cyprus is a safe country with a low crime rate. This gives families peace of mind that their children are studying in a safe and healthy environment.
Pleasant climate: Northern Cyprus enjoys a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate is ideal for outdoor activities and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.
Access to cheap Cyprus universities: Students studying in North Cyprus schools are eligible for admission to North Cyprus public universities with relatively low tuition fees. This enables them to pursue higher education without breaking the bank.

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Education system in North Cyprus:

The education system in Northern Cyprus is based on the Turkish education system, and education is compulsory and free for everyone from the age of 6 to 18. This educational system is divided into four main stages:

1. Preschool education (optional):
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 can attend kindergartens or preschool programs.
These programs focus on developing children’s social, emotional, cognitive and motor skills.
2. Primary education (6 to 11 years old):
In this course, students study a wide range of subjects, including Turkish language, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music and physical education.
The purpose of primary education is to prepare students for secondary education.
3. Secondary education (11 to 18 years old):
Secondary education is divided into two 3-year periods: the first secondary period and the second secondary period.
In junior high school, students study a wide range of subjects.
In the second secondary period, students can focus on specialized courses to prepare for entering university or the labor market.
4. Higher education:
Northern Cyprus has several public and private universities that offer a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs.
Some of the popular universities in North Cyprus include Near East University, Eastern Mediterranean University, European University of Cyprus and American University of Kyrenia.

Here are some key features of the Northern Cyprus education system:

Focus on teaching critical thinking and problem solving skills
Using active and cooperative teaching methods
Continuous assessment of students
Attention to the development of character and moral values ​​of students

Due to its high quality and affordability, the North Cyprus education system is increasingly attracting the attention of families looking for quality education for their children.

In the following, we will examine in more detail the types of schools in North Cyprus, including public schools, private schools, and international schools.

Public Schools:
Public schools in Northern Cyprus are free and run by the government.
The language of instruction in public schools is Turkish.
Public schools offer a wide range of subjects and have good facilities.
Private schools:
Private schools in Northern Cyprus charge tuition and can teach in Turkish or English.
Private schools offer a wide range of curricula, including the Turkish National Curriculum, the International Curriculum and the British Curriculum.
Private schools are usually smaller than public schools and give more attention to students.
International schools:
International schools teach only in English and follow the international curriculum.
These schools usually attract students from all over the world.
International schools have excellent facilities and equipment.

Read more: cheap universities in Northern Cyprus

Choosing the right school for your child in North Cyprus depends on various factors including budget, type of curriculum, language of instruction, location and facilities of the school. In the following, we mention the cost of education in North Cyprus schools.

Cost of education in North Cyprus schools:

The cost of studying in North Cyprus schools varies depending on the type of school, curriculum and level of study. In general, public school tuition is very affordable, while private and international school tuition can be significantly higher.

Here is an example of annual tuition fees for different types of schools in Northern Cyprus:

Public schools: 500 to 1000 euros
Private schools: 3,000 to 10,000 euros
International schools: 10,000 to 20,000 euros

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In addition to the tuition, there are other costs that with Iodine should be considered, such as:

Registration fees: These fees are usually between 100 and 500 euros.
Book and stationery costs: These costs vary depending on the level of study and the type of school, but are generally between 200 and 500 euros per year.
Uniform costs: Uniforms are mandatory in most public and private schools and can cost between 100 and 200 euros per year.
Transportation Fees: If your child travels to school by school bus, you must pay a monthly transportation fee. These costs are usually between 50 and 100 euros per month.
Health insurance costs: Health insurance is compulsory for all students in Northern Cyprus. The cost of health insurance is usually between 100 and 200 euros per year.

Here are some tips to save money on studying in North Cyprus schools:

Choose a public school: Public schools in Northern Cyprus are free and do not charge tuition.
Apply for scholarships: Some private and international schools offer scholarships to meritorious students or students in need of financial assistance.
Buy second-hand books: You can buy second-hand books from senior students or from second-hand bookstores.
Buy second-hand uniforms: You can buy second-hand uniforms from seniors or from online stores.
Use school meals: Many schools in Northern Cyprus offer school meals at reasonable prices.

With a little planning and saving, you can significantly reduce the cost of studying in North Cyprus schools.

Admission requirements in North Cyprus schools

Admission requirements in North Cyprus schools vary depending on the type of school, curriculum and level of education. However, in general, the following steps are required for admission to North Cyprus schools:

1. Choosing a school:

The first step is to choose a school that suits your and your child’s needs and desires.
When choosing a school, you should consider factors such as the type of curriculum, language of instruction, school location, school facilities, and tuition fees.

2. Collecting documents:

After choosing a school, you must collect the necessary documents for admission.
Required documents usually include the following:

Completed application form
Copy of passport or student ID card
The student’s latest academic record
Student’s birth certificate
Student personal photos
Any other relevant qualifications or certificates, such as language proficiency certificates

3. Sending documents:

After collecting the required documents, you must send them to the school.
You can usually submit documents online or in person.

4. Interview:

Some schools may invite the student for an interview before final acceptance.
The interview is an opportunity for the school to get to know the student better and make sure that he is ready to study at school.

5. Acceptance:

If the school is satisfied with your documents and interview, they will send you an acceptance letter.
The admission letter contains information such as the date of study, tuition fees and other important information.

important points:

  • Application Deadline: Most schools in Northern Cyprus accept admissions for the next academic year in March and April.
  • Language of instruction: The language of instruction in the public schools of Northern Cyprus is Turkish. However, some public schools may also offer curricula in English.
  • Language certificates: If your child plans to study in an English language school, they may need an English language certificate such as TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Visa: If you and your child are not citizens of Northern Cyprus, you need a visa to study in this country.
  • Health Insurance: All students in Northern Cyprus must have health insurance.

Read more: Education conditions in North Cyprus

Kargar consulting and investment company with more than 14 years of brilliant experience in the field of investment and property purchase in North Cyprus and with more than 18 active branches in Iran, Turkey and North Cyprus, is ready to provide advice and services to you dear ones. It is in the field of education in North Cyprus schools. Our experienced experts at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company will help you to choose the best school for your child and go through the admission process easily.

The language of Northern Cyprus

The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish. However, English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist areas. In schools, the language of instruction varies depending on the type of school. In public schools, the language of instruction is Turkish, while in private and international schools, the language of instruction can be Turkish or English.

Northern Cyprus pound price

The currency of Northern Cyprus is the Turkish Lira (TRY). In June 2024, 1 euro was approximately equal to 18.5 TRY.

North Cyprus school uniforms

Most schools in North Cyprus have uniforms. School uniforms usually include the following:

  • Shirt or blouse
  • Pants or skirt
  • Jacket or vest
  • shoe

School uniforms are usually paid separately from tuition.

Read more: Study admission in North Cyprus

Introducing Kargar Consulting and Investment Company

Kargar consulting and investment company with more than 14 years of brilliant experience in the field of investment and property purchase in North Cyprus and with more than 18 active branches in Iran, Turkey and North Cyprus, is ready to provide advice and services to you dear ones. It is in the field of education in North Cyprus schools. Our experienced experts at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company will help you to choose the best school for your child and go through the admission process easily.

We provide the following services at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company:

Advice on selection

  • School
  • Help to collect documents required for admission
  • Communication with schools
  • Translation of documents
  • Assistance in obtaining a visa
  • Providing accommodation services

last word

A beautiful and culturally rich country on the Mediterranean Sea, Northern Cyprus has become an increasingly popular destination for families looking for quality education for their children due to its affordable cost of education and living.

In this comprehensive article, we examined the educational system, types of schools, costs, admission conditions and other matters in North Cyprus schools.

The education system in Northern Cyprus is based on the Turkish education system, and education is compulsory and free for everyone from the age of 6 to 18. This education system is divided into four main stages: preschool education (optional), primary education (ages 6 to 11), secondary education (ages 11 to 18) and higher education.

There are three main types of schools in Northern Cyprus: public schools, private schools and international schools. Each type of school has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right school for your child depends on many factors, including budget, type of curriculum, language of instruction, location, and school facilities.

The cost of studying in North Cyprus schools varies depending on the type of school, curriculum and level of study. In general, public school tuition is very affordable, while private and international school tuition can be significantly higher.

Admission requirements in North Cyprus schools are also different depending on the type of school, curriculum and level of study. However, in general, the following steps are required for admission to North Cyprus schools: choosing a school, gathering documents, submitting documents, interview (if applicable) and admission.

Studying in North Cyprus schools has many advantages, including affordable costs, high quality of education, variety of curricula, opportunity to learn different languages ​​and a safe and calm environment.

If you are looking for quality and affordable education for your child, North Cyprus can be the right option for you.

Doga College in Northern Cyprus

Doga College in Northern Cyprus

In the following, we will introduce some schools in North Cyprus:



  • Doga College in Northern Cyprus
  • List of famous schools in Northern Cyprus
  • English School of Kyrenia
  • Necat British College
  • Doğa Koleji – Private school on the waterfront
  • Near East Koleji (one of the best private schools in the waterfront)
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