Migration to North or South Cyprus?

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Migration to North or South Cyprus? A choice for life

Imagine staring at the map with your eyes wide open, looking for a piece of heaven on earth. A beautiful island with stunning sandy beaches, clear Mediterranean waters and history that screams in every corner. Cyprus, this Mediterranean gem, has all these features together; But there is a twist in the path, a fateful choice that will shape your life on this island: North or South?

Two sides of the same coin

North or South Cyprus are two sides of the same coin, each with its own characteristics and charms. The North, with its pristine and untouched beaches, lower cost of living and traditional atmosphere, will lead you to a cozy and peaceful world. In contrast, the South is more modern, holds EU membership and offers more job and education opportunities.

The battle begins!

Now that you’re faced with two compelling options, it’s time for the battle to begin! In this comprehensive guide, join us as we take a closer look at every aspect of life in North or South Cyprus. From the economy and job opportunities to the cost of living, education, culture and history, we will scrutinize together, so that in the end, you can confidently choose the winner of this battle; A winner that will make your ideal life in Cyprus.

Migration to North or South Cyprus?

Migration to North or South Cyprus?

Part I: North vs. South

Let’s say you want to build your dream life on a beautiful island with stunning sandy beaches and the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean. An island whose tumultuous history speaks to you in every corner. Cyprus, the jewel of the Mediterranean, has all these features together. But there is a twist in the road that will shape your life on this island: the fundamental choice between North or South Cyprus.

What are your priorities?

Now that you are faced with these two attractive options, it is time to consider your priorities. What lifestyle do you prefer? Is access to modern facilities and membership in the European Union important to you, or is peace and lower costs your priority? Maybe you are looking for a combination of both.

In the rest of this section, stay with us to fully familiarize yourself with each and every aspect of life in North or South Cyprus. We will have a trip to the world of economy, work, education, culture and history of these two regions. Finally, you are the one who chooses the winner of this battle according to your wishes and conditions; A winner that will make your ideal life in Cyprus.




Second part: The economic world in North or South Cyprus

Now that we understand that North or South Cyprus each has a unique personality, the first challenge is the world of economy and job opportunities. Let’s see what trump cards each of these two regions have in this field.


North: investment paradise and low costs

Northern Cyprus, with its emerging economy, is considered an investment paradise for many. The low cost of living, from rent to food and clothing, makes the dream of living a comfortable and quality life on a budget more attainable in North Cyprus. The real estate market in this area is also hot and offers good investment opportunities to buy a villa or apartment with a view of the Mediterranean Sea.

On the other hand, finding a well-paying job in Northern Cyprus is a bit more difficult. Most of the jobs in this area are concentrated in tourism and agriculture. Of course, if you are interested in starting your own business, North Cyprus can be a good choice due to lower start-up costs and cheaper labor.


South: EU membership, gateway to job opportunities

In contrast, the economy of southern Cyprus, based on its membership in the European Union, offers more diverse job opportunities. Many international companies have branches in this area and the income level is generally higher. Of course, the cost of living in the south is much more expensive than in the north.

The final decision is yours! If you are looking for high income and international career opportunities, South Cyprus is a better choice. But if your priority is to save money and start your own business, North Cyprus can be an ideal option.




Third part: Education and residence, peace or progress?

So far, we have learned about the world of economy and work in North or South Cyprus. But life in any region goes beyond financial issues. In this section, we will go to the discussion of education and housing to see what each of these two competitors have to say in this field.


North: peace and simplicity in the heart of nature

With its peaceful and traditional lifestyle, Northern Cyprus is an ideal choice for those looking for a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are a limited number of universities in this region, but their tuition fees are generally lower than European universities. Of course, the quality of education in North Cyprus is not up to the world’s leading universities.

If you have a student child, there are few international schools operating in North Cyprus. However, the cozy and family environment of this area can be very attractive for people who want a calm and stress-free life. Imagine walking along beautiful beaches, taking a deep breath of clean sea air and enjoying the silence and peace.


South: Study opportunities in the heart of Europe

Southern Cyprus is a gateway to higher education and international qualifications with prestigious universities approved by the European Union. Students in this area have the opportunity to study in various fields and can benefit from higher quality educational facilities. Also, there are more international schools operating in the south of Cyprus, which makes your child’s education easier.

Of course, this higher level of educational facilities comes with a more expensive cost of living in the South. City life in this area is more lively and may not be suitable for people who are looking for absolute peace. Ultimately, the choice is yours! Do you want to live in a quiet environment with lower costs or do you prefer your children to study in the best universities?

Migration to North or South Cyprus?

Migration to North or South Cyprus?

Part 4: Traveling to North or South Cyprus? Choose according to your mood

So far, we have learned about the economic, educational and residential aspects of living in North or South Cyprus. But let’s not forget that Cyprus is a beautiful island with many tourist attractions. So it is not bad to take a look at the world of tourism in these two regions.


North: Pristine and historical beaches are waiting for you

Northern Cyprus is a paradise for sun and sea lovers with its long and unspoiled coastline. In this area, you can walk on secluded beaches, swim in clear Mediterranean waters, and enjoy watching unique sunsets. Also, North Cyprus, having many historical and ancient monuments, will take you on a journey in the heart of history. From the remains of ancient cities to medieval castles, there are secrets to be discovered in every corner of Northern Cyprus.

Of course, the tourism infrastructure in the north of Cyprus is not more developed than in the south. But this simplicity and untouched nature is attractive to many tourists.


South: A fusion of modernity and history

Southern Cyprus, with its beautiful beaches and various recreational facilities, is an ideal destination for those interested in all kinds of water sports and nightlife. Also, there are many luxury hotels and restaurants in this area that will make a memorable experience for you.

In addition to natural attractions, southern Cyprus also introduces you to its rich history and culture. The historical cities of this region, valuable museums and magnificent buildings, all tell you a story of the turbulent past of Cyprus.

The final decision is yours! If you are looking for a cozy and peaceful experience in the heart of nature, North Cyprus is a better choice. But if you want to enjoy more amenities and entertainment, South Cyprus seems to be an ideal option.


With “Kargar Consulting and Investment Group” the key is in your hands!

We have reached the end of this fascinating battle. Now you are familiar with all the features of life in North or South Cyprus. From the world of economy and work to educational opportunities, lifestyle and tourist attractions, we put each and every aspect under the microscope.

The truth is that the ultimate winner of this battle is you, dear reader. The final choice is made based on your priorities and life conditions. If you are looking for peace and lower costs, North Cyprus will open a warm embrace for you with its pristine beaches and traditional atmosphere. But if you are looking for better job opportunities, higher quality educational facilities and a more modern life, Southern Cyprus with its membership in the European Union and developed infrastructure seems to be a better choice.

beyond north or south

Cyprus is a beautiful island with an ancient history. Regardless of whether you choose the north or the south to live, in any case you can visit the natural beauty, historical and cultural attractions of the whole island. So, instead of limiting yourself to the north or the south, it might be better to think about how you can benefit from both regions.

Finally, the Labor Advisory and Investment Group hopes that this article has been a useful guide for you to decide whether to live in North or South Cyprus. Do not forget to do more research and contact our consultants for the final choice. We are with you to make the best choice. Cyprus welcomes you with open arms!

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