Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

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Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

The decision to immigrate is a decisive turning point in the life of every person. Choosing a country to live in is more than a signature on a piece of paper. This choice determines your lifestyle, career future, children’s education and of course your peace of mind. In the meantime, North Cyprus and Iran are two countries that are attracting the attention of immigration applicants for various reasons.

How does life in North Cyprus compare with Iran? These two countries have significant differences in terms of culture, economy, climate and cost of living. Knowing these differences will help you make an informed decision.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Northern Cyprus, an island with a dreamy beach

Northern Cyprus is an autonomous region in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. This beautiful island, with its golden sandy beaches, azure waters and Mediterranean glow, is a paradise for nature lovers. The mild Mediterranean climate is a guarantee to enjoy all seasons of the year. Mild winters and sunny summers make conditions favorable for beach activities, water sports and diving among the magical underwater world.

Iran, an ancient land with a rich culture

Iran is a vast country in West Asia. Iran’s brilliant civilization has a history of thousands of years. Rich culture, original art, commendable historical monuments and exemplary hospitality of Iranians have always attracted many tourists to this ancient land. From the central plateau and deserts of Lot and Dasht Kavir to the shores of the Caspian in the north and the Persian Gulf in the south, Iran has a unique variety of weather and natural landscapes.

A comparison based on lifestyle

North Cyprus is a country with a multicultural society. The people of this area are a mixture of Turkish Cypriots, Europeans and immigrants from different countries. The lifestyle in Northern Cyprus is calm and far from the hustle and bustle. Leisure opportunities in this area are mainly centered around nature, beach recreation and sightseeing in historical places.

In contrast, Iran has a more traditional society. Iran’s rich culture and customs flow everywhere in the lives of the people of this land. Iran is a noisy and passionate country. Preserving family values ​​and intimate relationships with relatives and friends is one of the main pillars of social life in Iran.

This was the first part comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran. In the next sections, we will compare the economy, cost of living, educational system and healthcare in these two countries. Be with Kargar Consulting and Investment Company to make an informed choice for your future


Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Economy of Northern Cyprus:

The economy of Northern Cyprus is based on tourism, agriculture and the export of some products. The tourism sector, as the engine driving the economy of this region, plays a key role in creating job opportunities. The growth of the tourism industry in North Cyprus is the basis for the prosperity of businesses related to hotel, restaurant, entertainment and transportation services.

In addition, agriculture has a special place in Northern Cyprus. Fertile soil and suitable climate have turned this region into a cradle for the production of citrus fruits, olives and grapes. The export of these products to European countries is an important source of foreign exchange income for North Cyprus.

Iran’s economy:

Iran’s economy, relying on huge oil and gas resources, has considerable power in the region. The oil and gas industry is the beating pulse of Iran’s economy and plays a key role in providing the country’s budget. In addition, Iran has an acceptable position in the world in the field of steel, copper and other industrial products.

In recent years, the government of Iran has sought the development of the private sector and the prosperity of small and medium businesses by adopting supportive policies. The growth of emerging industries and startups in Iran shows the dynamism and creativity of Iranian youth.

Compare the cost of living

The cost of living in Northern Cyprus is relatively higher compared to Iran. Housing prices, especially in coastal and tourist areas, have a significant rate. Food and clothing costs are also higher in North Cyprus than in Iran.

However, the amount of salaries and wages in Northern Cyprus is also higher than in Iran. People working in this area generally have a medium income level. This brings the purchasing power in Northern Cyprus to an acceptable level


Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

education system:

In Northern Cyprus, the education system is divided into public and private sectors. Public schools in this area provide free services to students. However, to use private schools, tuition fees must be paid. Turkish Cypriot language is the main language of teaching in public schools. On the other hand, in private schools, it is possible to study in English, French and German.

Iran’s educational system, from pre-school to university, is completely run by the government. Education in Iran’s public schools is free until high school. Iran’s public universities also have low tuition fees. Persian language is the main language of teaching in Iranian schools and universities.


The healthcare system in Northern Cyprus includes public and private sectors. Medical services in the public sector of this region are free. However, the quality of service in this sector is not always at the desired level. Health insurance is one of the essential things to live in North Cyprus.

Iran’s healthcare system consists of a wide network of public and private healthcare centers. Medical services in the public sector of Iran are free. However, due to overcrowding in these centers, many people turn to the private sector to receive better quality services.

Education in Northern Cyprus:

Northern Cyprus has numerous public and private universities. Some of these universities are approved by the Iranian Ministry of Science, and Iranian students can study in them legally and comfortably. The main language of education in the public universities of Northern Cyprus is Turkish Cypriot. However, in some fields, it is also possible to study in English.

The costs of studying in North Cyprus universities are higher compared to Iran. In addition to university tuition, students should also consider the cost of living in this area


Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Education in Iran:

Iran’s educational system is at a high level in terms of quality and credibility. Iran’s public universities are among the top universities in the region and the world. Some courses in Iranian universities are offered in English. The tuition fees in Iran’s public universities are very low. This has made Iran a suitable destination for international students.

Comparison of educational systems

The educational system of Northern Cyprus is based on focusing on Turkish Cypriot language and culture. On the other hand, Iran’s educational system offers more diversity in academic fields and teaching languages.

Career path after education

Finding a suitable job in North Cyprus is more difficult than in Iran. The labor market in this area, due to its small size and focus on the tourism industry, offers limited job opportunities for university graduates.

On the other hand, Iran has a larger labor market due to its size and economic diversity. Graduates of Iranian universities, according to their expertise and skills, can work in various career fields.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran: Mediterranean paradise or the gate of civilization?

Culture and customs

North Cyprus, due to its geographical and historical location, has a mixed culture. The culture of this region is a mixture of Turkish, Arabic and European traditions. The people of North Cyprus are known for their hospitality and warmth. Preserving family values ​​and respecting elders are among the main pillars of this region’s culture.

Iran has a rich and original culture that is several thousand years old. Iranian culture includes unique customs, traditions, art and literature. Nowruz, Yalda and Shab Qadr are among the most important holidays and celebrations of Iranians. Preservation of privacy, patience and respect for the opinions of others are among the distinctive features of Iranian culture.

Comparison of cultures

Northern Cyprus culture is more modern and European than Iranian culture. The coverage of the people of this region is generally more free than in Iran. In contrast, Iranian culture is more traditional and conservative. Hijab is mandatory for women in public places in Iran.


Islam is the religion of the majority of people in Northern Cyprus. Sunan religion is the dominant religion in this region. However, minorities of Christians and Jews also live in Northern Cyprus.

Islam is the religion of the majority of Iranian people. Shia religion is the dominant religion in this country. Minorities of Zoroastrians, Kilimians and Christians also live in Iran.

Comparison of religions

Compared to Sunan, the Shia religion has more complex customs and rituals. In the month of Muharram, the mourning ceremony of Imam Hossein (AS) is held all over Iran. This ceremony is one of the most important religious occasions of Shiites.


The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish Cypriot. This language belongs to the family of Turkish languages ​​and is similar to Istanbul Turkish. English is also popular in tourist areas and among educated people.

The official language of Iran is Farsi. This language is from the family of Indo-European languages ​​and a branch of Iranian languages. Kurdish, Azeri, Balochi and Arabic languages ​​are also spoken in some regions of Iran.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Comparison of languages

Turkish Cypriot language is more difficult for Farsi speakers than English. Learning this language requires more time and effort. On the other hand, Persian language is more difficult for English speakers than Turkish Cypriot language.

Nature of North Cyprus:

Northern Cyprus, with beautiful sandy beaches, azure Mediterranean waters, green mountains and dense forests, has a pristine and eye-catching nature. This area is considered a paradise for lovers of nature and beach activities. Diving, boating, swimming and sunbathing are among the popular recreational activities on the beaches of North Cyprus.

Olive trees, figs and grapes are among the common vegetation in this area. Northern Cyprus has four distinct seasons due to its mild Mediterranean climate. The winters of this region are mild and the summers are hot and sunny.

Iran’s nature:

Iran, with its large size and climatic diversity, has a unique nature. From the high and rocky mountains of Alborz and Zagros to the deserts of Lut and Dasht Kavir, and from the Caspian coast in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south, Iran has a great diversity in its natural landscapes.

The dense forests of the north, the lush gardens of Kashan, the Lut desert with its unique grandeur and splendor, and the Persian Gulf with its coral beaches are only a part of Iran’s natural beauty. Iran, having four separate seasons, shows a new face in each season.

The comparison of nature and tourism industry in North Cyprus with Iran shows the advantages and disadvantages of both countries. The final choice for life or travel depends on the individual’s taste and interests in nature and tourism.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company, by providing specialized consulting services in the field of tourism in North Cyprus and Iran, helps you to experience the best trip. Our experts will make a memorable trip for you by introducing the tourist attractions of both countries and providing the necessary information about how to travel, stay and costs.

Comparison of nature

The nature of Northern Cyprus is less diverse than that of Iran, due to its focus on the coasts and the Mediterranean climate. On the other hand, Iran offers its residents a more diverse and rich nature with its large size and climatic diversity.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran


Northern Cyprus is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region due to its beautiful nature, unique beaches and historical monuments. Tourists can enjoy beach activities, visit historical places and explore the pristine nature of this region.

Iran also has a high potential in the field of tourism with its rich culture, ancient history and natural attractions. Visiting historical places such as Persepolis, Pasargad and Isfahan, exploring the desert and experiencing nomadic life and enjoying the shores of the Caspian and the Persian Gulf are among the tourist attractions of Iran.

Comparison of the tourism industry

The tourism industry in North Cyprus is nascent and developing. However, the industry has grown significantly in recent years. Iran, with a long history in tourism, has more suitable infrastructure in this field.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company helps you to make the best choice for your educational future by providing expert advice on studying in North Cyprus and Iran.

Services of Kargar Consulting and Investment Company:

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Make your dream come true with Kargar.

For more information and free advice, contact our experts at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Final summary: Northern Cyprus or Iran?

The final choice to live in North Cyprus or Iran depends on your preferences, tastes and personal circumstances. Both countries have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you should make the best decision for your and your family’s future by carefully comparing these.

In this article, some of the most important differences between North Cyprus and Iran were briefly mentioned:

Cost of living: In general, the cost of living in Northern Cyprus is higher than in Iran. The price of housing, food and clothing in this region is higher than in Iran. However, the amount of salaries and wages in Northern Cyprus is also higher than in Iran.

Culture: Northern Cyprus culture is more modern and European than Iranian culture. In contrast, Iranian culture is more traditional and conservative.

Religion: Islam is the religion of the majority of people in both countries. However, the Shia religion is prevalent in Iran and the Sunni religion in Northern Cyprus.

Language: The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish Cypriot. Persian is the official language of Iran.

Nature: Northern Cyprus has a pristine and eye-catching Mediterranean nature. Iran, with its large size and climatic diversity, has a more diverse and rich nature.

Tourism: The tourism industry in Northern Cyprus is nascent and developing. With a long history in tourism, Iran has more suitable infrastructure in this field.

Economy: The economy of Northern Cyprus is based on tourism, agriculture and the export of some products. Iran’s economy is based on huge resources of oil and gas and various industries.

Educational opportunities: The cost of studying in North Cyprus universities is higher compared to Iran. On the other hand, the job market in Iran is bigger and offers more diverse job opportunities.

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus:

  • Moderate Mediterranean climate
  • Beautiful beaches and pristine nature
  • Lower housing costs compared to some European countries
  • Investment opportunities in real estate
  • Easy access to European countries

Disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus:

  • High cost of living compared to Iran
  • Limited labor market
  • Non-membership in the European Union
  • Turkish Cypriot language as official language

Advantages of living in Iran:

  • Low cost of living
  • A large and diverse job market
  • Rich culture and ancient history
  • Various natural attractions
  • Warm and hospitable people

Disadvantages of living in Iran:

  • Hot and dry weather in some areas
  • Social and political restrictions
  • Economic sanctions

We hope that by reading this article, you have obtained the necessary information to make a final decision about immigrating to North Cyprus or Iran.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company, with expertise and experience in the field of immigration, is ready to provide you with consulting services in this field. Our experts will help you choose the best path for your immigration by providing accurate and up-to-date information and answering your questions..

Comparing life in North Cyprus with Iran

Experience an easy, safe and secure immigration with Kargar. Below we have answered some of your frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions about immigration to Northern Cyprus or Iran

1. Which country is cheaper to live in, North Cyprus or Iran?

In general, the cost of living in Iran is significantly lower than in Northern Cyprus. The price of housing, food and clothing in Iran is on average 50-70% cheaper than in Northern Cyprus. Of course, the amount of salaries and wages in Northern Cyprus is also higher than in Iran.

2. What are the differences between culture and customs in North Cyprus and Iran?

Northern Cyprus culture is more modern and European than Iranian culture. The clothing of the people of this region is more liberal and religious values ​​play less role in daily life. In contrast, Iranian culture is more traditional and conservative. Hijab is mandatory for women in public places in Iran, and respect for elders and privacy are among the main pillars of Iranian culture.

3. Which language is easier to learn to immigrate to Northern Cyprus or Iran?

Learning the Turkish Cypriot language is more difficult for Farsi speakers than English. This language belongs to the family of Turkish languages ​​and is similar to Istanbul Turkish language. On the other hand, Persian language is more difficult for English speakers than Turkish Cypriot language. However, learning English will be useful for living in both countries.

4. Which country’s nature is more beautiful, Northern Cyprus or Iran?

It depends on personal taste. Northern Cyprus has a pristine and eye-catching Mediterranean nature with beautiful beaches and green mountains. Iran, with its large size and climatic diversity, offers a more diverse and rich nature to its residents. From the dense forests of the north to the deserts of Lut and from the shores of the Caspian to the Persian Gulf, Iran has a great diversity in its natural landscapes.

5. Which country has better job opportunities for immigration, North Cyprus or Iran?

The labor market in Iran is larger due to its size and economic diversity and offers more diverse job opportunities. However, finding a suitable job in Northern Cyprus is more difficult. Due to its small size and focus on the tourism industry, the labor market in this area offers limited job opportunities for job seekers.

6. What are the study conditions in the universities of Northern Cyprus and Iran?

The costs of studying in North Cyprus universities are higher compared to Iran. In addition to university tuition, students should also consider the cost of living in this area. In terms of educational quality, Iran’s top universities are internationally recognized and have advanced educational facilities.

7. Which country is more religiously free, North Cyprus or Iran?

In both countries, Islam is the religion of the majority of people. However, the Shia religion is prevalent in Iran and the Sunni religion in Northern Cyprus. In Iran, there are restrictions for women and religious minorities. In contrast, Northern Cyprus enjoys more religious freedoms.

We hope that these frequently asked questions and their answers have helped you in making the final decision to immigrate to North Cyprus or Iran

With more than 14 years of successful experience in investing in North Cyprus and buying real estate in North Cyprus, Kargar Consulting and Investment Group will help you build your dream Mediterranean life

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