Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

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Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

In today’s world, traveling as a necessity, not just a recreation, has found a special place in people’s lives. Surfing between different cultures and civilizations, the unknown experience, and the development of the horizon are among the benefits that travel with them. However, to travel to any country, you need to obtain a visa or visa. A process that can be time consuming, costly and sometimes challenges.

Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

But there is a solution that can eliminate these obstacles and open the world’s gates to you: the Turkish passport.

The Turkish passport, as one of the most powerful passports in the world, allows you to travel to more than 110 countries without the need for a visa. This not only increases your freedom to travel, but it can also have significant benefits in a variety of areas such as business, education and work.

In this article, we will examine the value and validity of the Turkish passport and the numerous benefits it brings to its owners.

Turkish Passport Credit

Türkiye’s passport is currently ranked 52nd in the world. This means that Turkish passport holders can travel to 110 countries without the need for a visa. This number is very significant compared to other countries in the region, including Iran, which has only 30 visa -free countries.

In addition, the value of Türkiye’s passport has been increasing in recent years. This is due to the Turkish government’s efforts to promote its international status and expand political and economic relations with other countries.

Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

The benefits of obtaining a Turkish passport

Obtaining a Turkish passport brings many benefits to people, including:

  • Visa -free travel to more than 110 countries: As mentioned earlier, the Turkish passport credit allows you to travel to 110 countries without the need for a visa. This not only increases your freedom to travel, but it can also help you save time and travel costs.
  • Possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship: Getting a Turkish passport allow you to obtain Turkish citizenship after some time. Turkish citizenship gives you many benefits, including the right to reside, work and study in this country.
  • Possibility of Investing in Turkey: Taking a Turkish passport lets you invest in this country and take advantage of various benefits such as tax exemptions and bank loans.
  • High Quality Education and Health Access: Turkey’s education and health system is one of the top education and health systems in the world. Türkiye’s passport validity allows you to access these high quality services.
  • Proper job opportunities: Türkiye is a developing country with a growing economy. The value of a Turkish passport allows you to look for the right job opportunities in this country.

Conditions to obtain a Turkish passport

It is possible to obtain a Turkish passport through a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Investment: One of the most popular ways to get a Turkish passport is to invest in the country. You can obtain a Turkish passport by purchasing a property, setting up a business or depositing in the bank.
  • Marriage: If you marry a Turkish citizen, you can apply for a Turkish passport after a while.
  • Work: If you get a job offer from a Turkish employer, you can apply for a Turkish passport through a job.
  • Education: If you are accepted to one of Turkish universities, you can apply for a Turkish passport through study.

Documents required to obtain a Turkish passport

The documents required for obtaining a Turkish passport will vary depending on your method. However, in general, the following documents are required to receive a Turkish passport:

  • Completed application form
  • Passport photo
  • passport copy
  • Clearances
  • Health certificate
  • Investment, Marriage, Work or Education Documents (Depending on the Selection Method)

Steps to obtain a Turkish passport

The steps for obtaining a Turkish passport will also vary depending on your choice. However, in general, the process of receiving the Turkish passport is as follows:

  1. Choosing the right method: The first step to getting a Turkish passport is to choose the right method. You can choose one of the methods of investing, marriage, work or education depending on your circumstances.
  2. Documents Collection: After selecting the right method, you need to collect the necessary documents.
  3. Submitment: After collecting the documents, you should go to the Turkish embassy or consulate in your country and submit your request for a Turkish passport.
  4. Interview: After submitting the request, you may be asked to participate in an interview.
  5. Documents Review: After the interview, your documents will be reviewed by the relevant authorities.
  6. Passport issuance: If your documents are confirmed, your Turkish passport will be issued.

Benefits of Turkish Passport for Iranians

Obtaining a Turkish passport has many benefits for Iranians, including:

Visa exemption for traveling to more than 110 countries: Turkish passport credit allows Iranians to travel to more than 110 countries without the need for a visa. This not only increases their freedom to travel, but can also help them save time and travel costs.

Possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship: Getting Turkish passport allows Iranians to apply for Turkish citizenship after some time. Türkiye’s abuse gives them many benefits, including the right to reside, work and study in the country.

Possibility of Investing in Türkiye: Taking a Turkish passport allows Iranians to invest in this country. Buying property and investing in many financial markets is an example of these.

Comparison of Türkiye’s passport with Iran’s passport

As mentioned earlier, the value of the Turkish passport is currently ranked 52nd in the world, while Iran’s passport is ranked 102nd. This means that Turkish passport holders can travel to 60 more than Iranian passport holders without the need for a visa.

In addition, the Turkish passport power has been steadily increasing in recent years, while Iran’s passport validity has remained constant during this period. This shows that the Turkish passport is becoming a more powerful passport worldwide.

Criterion of Iran Passport Turkish Passport
Global rank of 52 102
The number of countries that can be traveled without a visa 110 30
strength trend in rising steady

Tips to remember before applying for a Turkish passport

  • Choose the appropriate method: Before you get a Turkish passport, you must choose the right method according to your circumstances.
  • Collect the necessary documents: After selecting the right method, you need to collect the necessary documents.
  • Get help from an immigration lawyer or consultant: You can get help from an immigration lawyer or immigration counselor to ensure that the Turkish passport process is properly performed.
  • Consider the costs: The process of obtaining a Turkish passport is associated with costs. Before you do, you should consider these costs.

List of visa -free countries for Turkish passport holders (until June 13, 2024):


  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus (North and South)
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Kosovo
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Monaco
  • Monte Negro
  • Netherlands
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Swiss
  • Ukraine


  • Bangladesh
  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • China (90 days)
  • Georgia
  • Hong Kong (90 days)
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Japan (90 days)
  • Jordan
  • South
  • Korea (90 days)
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • Oman
  • Philippines
  • Diameter
  • Saud
  • i Arabia (90 days)
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • East Timor
  • The United Arab Emirates


  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cape Ver
  • t Comoro
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Gambia
  • Gana
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Ivory Coast
  • Kenya
  • Lesoto
  • Liberia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Financial
  • Mauritania
  • Maghreb
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Niger
  • Rwanda
  • Sao Toma and Princessp
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somali
  • South
  • Africa
  • Sudan (30 days of visa on arrival)
  • Astini
  • Tanzania (30 days of visa on arrival)
  • Togo
  • Tunisia
  • Uganda
  • Zombia
  • Zimbabwe

North America:

  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Dominica
  • Dominican
  • Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • St. Kitz and Ney
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Vincent and Grenadins
  • Trinidad and Tobago

south America:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Columbia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Surinam
  • Uruguay V
  • enezuela


  • Australia (90 days)
  • Fiji
  • Kiribati
  • New Zealand (90 days)
  • Palau
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga
  • Tawalou
  • Vanuato


  • This list is only for information and may change at different times.
  • To travel to some of these countries, you may need to obtain an electronic entry (ETA) or EVISA (EVISA).
  • Before traveling to any country, be sure to find out the latest visa rules and regulations.

Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

Types of Turkish Passports

One of the notable benefits of living or traveling to Turkey is obtaining a passport. The Turkish passport, as one of the most powerful passports in the world, allows you to travel to more than 110 countries without the need for a visa.

But what are the different types of passports in Türkiye and which type is best for you? In this section, we examine the types of Turkish passports and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Red or General Passport (Bordo Pasaport):

The red passport is the most common type of Turkey’s passport, which is awarded to ordinary citizens. This passport has a 10 -year credit for people over 18 and 5 years for people under 18 years.

Red Passport Benefits:

  • Possibility of visa -free travel to more than 110 countries around the world
  • Possibility of obtaining an easy visa to travel to other countries
  • Possibility of applying for Turkish citizenship after 8 years of residence in this country
  • Possibility of investing and buying property in Türkiye

Disadvantages of Red Passport:

  • Inability to obtain dual citizenship
  • Special restrictions for work in some countries

2. Green or Special Passport (Yeşil Pasaport):

The Green Passport is a special passport given to government officials, diplomats, parliamentarians and other high -ranking individuals in Turkey. This passport has a 5 -year credit.

Green Passport Benefits:

  • Possibility of visa -free travel to more than 120 countries around the world
  • Possibility of passing faster than customs and border crossings
  • Tax exemption for some goods and services

Disadvantages of Green Passport:

  • Can only be issued for high -ranking people in Türkiye
  • The cost of issuing it is more than the red passport

Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

The cost of issuing it is more than the red passport

The gray passport is a diplomatic passport given to high -ranking government officials, including the President, the Prime Minister and the Ministers in Turkey. This passport has a 5 -year credit.

The benefits of a gray passport:

  • Possibility of visa -free travel to more than 130 countries around the world
  • Having the highest level of exemptions and benefits on foreign trips
  • Possibility of passing Faster than customs and border crossings

Disadvantages of gray passport:

  • Can only be issued to high -ranking government officials in Türkiye
  • The cost of issuing it is very high

4. Black Passport or Service Passport (Siyah Pasaport):

The Black Passport is a type of service passport awarded to official government staff, including judges, prosecutors and police officers in Turkey. This passport has a 5 -year credit.

Black Passport Benefits:

  • Possibility of visa -free travel to more than 110 countries around the world
  • Special exemptions and benefits on foreign trips
  • Possibility of passing faster than customs and border crossings

Disadvantages of Black Passport:

  • Can only be issued for official government employees in Türkiye
  • The cost of issuing it is more than the red passport

5. Emergency Passport (ACIL DURUM PASAPORTU):

Emergency Passport is a temporary passport that is awarded to Turkish citizens under certain circumstances, such as disappearance or theft of passports. This passport has a 6 -month credit.

Emergency Passport Benefits:

  • Possibility of traveling to the desired destination country
  • Temporary replacement for a missing or stolen passport

:Disadvantages of emergency passports

.Short -term credit: The emergency passport is valid for only 6 months and you must apply for a new passport

.Travel Restrictions: With an emergency passport you may not be able to travel to some countries

.Cost of issuance: The cost of issuing an emergency passport is higher than the normal passport

Which type of Turkish passport is right for you

The type of Turkish passport that is suitable for you depends on your conditions and needs. If you are planning to travel to different countries without the need for a visa, a red passport is a good option for you.

But if you are one of the government officials, diplomats or government officials, you may need a green, gray or black passport.

Finally, if you have lost your passport or stolen, you can apply for an emergency passport.

Turkish Passport Credit (Part I)

last word

The Turkish passport is a key to a world of opportunities. By receiving a Turkish passport, you can travel to more than 110 countries around the world without the need for a visa, invest in this country, apply for Turkish citizenship, and take advantage of many benefits, including the right to reside, work and study in the country.

If you are looking to promote your life and your family, getting a Turkish passport can be an important step in this way.

The Workers’ Counseling and Investment Group, with over 14 years of experience in obtaining a Turkish passport and investing in the country, is ready to help you along this path. Experienced experts in this collection will help you get your Turkish passport in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

The Services of the Workers’ Investment and Investment Group includes:

  • Advice on choosing the right way to obtain a Turkish passport
  • Collecting and completing the necessary documents
  • Provide a lawyer and translator if needed
  • Follow the case process until the Turkish passport receives
  • Provide consultation in the field of investment in Türkiye

If you are looking for a Turkish passport, the Workers’ Counseling and Investment Group can be a reliable and reliable guide to you.

You can contact our experts at the Workers’ Counseling and Investment Group for more information and free advice.

Frequently asked questions about Türkiye’s passport

1. Can I get a Turkish passport for my family members?

Yes, you can also get a Turkish passport for your spouse and children under 18. To do this, you must apply for your family members after receiving your passport.

2. Do I need to be fluent in Turkish to obtain a Turkish passport?

No, there is no need to dominate Turkish Istanbul to obtain a Turkish passport. However, learning this language can help you communicate with the local people of Turkish society.

3. Can I maintain my Iranian citizenship after obtaining a Turkish passport?

Dual citizenship laws are different in each country. Currently, Turkey does not formally allow Iranians to maintain Iranian citizenship after obtaining a Turkish passport. However, some people have succeeded in preserving their Iranian citizenship after receiving the Turkish passport.

4. What is the best way to obtain a Turkish passport?

The best way to obtain a Turkish passport depends on your conditions and needs. If you have enough money, investing in this country can be the fastest and most reliable way to get a Turkish passport.

But if you do not have enough financial money, you can get a Turkish passport by marrying a Turkish citizen.

5. Where can I get more information about the Turkish passport?

You can refer to the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s website or the embassy in your country for more information on the Turkish passport. You can also consult with immigration lawyers or specialist consultants.

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