Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

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Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

Studying abroad is a dream of many Iranian students. Valid academic degrees, international life experience and the opportunity to learn new languages ​​are all tempting benefits that make studying abroad an attractive option. But the constant concern is the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus. Is it possible to make the dream of studying in a beautiful and safe country come true with a reasonable budget?

Northern Cyprus has become one of the most popular options for Iranian students with its prestigious universities and reasonable tuition fees. The cost of student living in North Cyprus is much lower compared to European and American countries, making North Cyprus an ideal choice for students on a tight budget.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student living in Northern Cyprus depends on a range of factors, including:

Type of accommodation: Students can choose a student dormitory or rent an apartment. The cost of living as a student in North Cyprus is significantly reduced by choosing a dormitory.
Lifestyle: Students who like to have fun and go out at night will naturally incur more expenses. But the cost of student living in North Cyprus is very affordable for students who prefer a simpler lifestyle.
City of Study: Bigger cities usually have higher rents. Therefore, the cost of student living in Northern Cyprus will be lower in smaller cities.

In this article, we will examine the cost of student living in Northern Cyprus step by step to give you a realistic view of the cost of student living in this beautiful country. Pursue the dream of studying in North Cyprus with our company at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company.

Kargar consulting and investment company with more than 14 years of successful experience in the field of investment in North Cyprus and buying property in North Cyprus and having more than 18 active branches in Iran, Turkey and North Cyprus, is always with you for a unique experience of studying in this Specify the country. In the continuation of this article, we will examine the cost of student living in North Cyprus in more detail.

Student living costs in Northern Cyprus: accurate and real details

In the previous sections, we mentioned the cost of student living in North Cyprus in general and examined some of the factors affecting these costs in more detail. In this section, we intend to expand on the previous topics and provide you with more accurate and realistic details so that you can have an accurate estimate of the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus.

1. Residence:


Dormitory types: Student dormitories in North Cyprus are usually divided into two types: public and private. Government hostels are cheaper but have limited amenities. Private dormitories usually have more amenities such as private bathrooms and toilets, kitchens, etc.
Dormitory cost: The cost of student living in Northern Cyprus will be between 200 and 300 euros per month by choosing a government dormitory. The cost of a private dormitory in Northern Cyprus is between 300 and 400 euros per month.
the apartment:

Different areas: The price of renting an apartment in North Cyprus depends on the desired area. In general, apartment rents are more expensive in larger and more touristic cities than in smaller cities.
Size: The size of the apartment is another factor affecting the rental price. Naturally, larger apartments command higher rents.
Amenities: Apartment amenities such as air conditioning, heating, furniture, etc. also affect the rental price.
Price example: For example, renting a one-bedroom apartment in Nicosia (the capital of Northern Cyprus) with normal facilities is between 400 and 500 euros per month. Renting a two-bedroom apartment in Kyrenia (one of the tourist cities of Northern Cyprus) with full facilities will be between 600 and 700 euros per month.

2. Feed:

Food in the restaurant:

Types of restaurants: Restaurants in North Cyprus range from cheap local eateries to luxury and international restaurants.
Food price: The price of food in restaurants depends on the type of restaurant, quality of food, etc. On average, the price of a typical meal in local restaurants is between 10 and 15 euros. The price of food in international restaurants will be between 20 and 30 euros.
Cooking at home:

Cost of food: The cost of living as a student in Northern Cyprus is reduced to about 150-200 euros per month for one person by cooking at home. Of course, this amount also depends on the eating style and type of food consumed.
Price example: For example, the price of a kilogram of rice in Northern Cyprus is about 2 euros and the price of a liter of milk is about 1 euro.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

3. Shipping:


Bus network: Northern Cyprus has an extensive bus network that connects most of the cities.
Bus ticket: The price of a bus ticket in Northern Cyprus is about 1 euro per trip. Students can benefit from lower prices by purchasing discount cards.

Using a taxi: Taxis are plentiful in North Cyprus. But due to the high price, it is recommended to use a taxi only when necessary.
Taxi price: The price of a taxi in North Cyprus depends on the distance and travel time. In general, you should pay about 2 euros per kilometer.

Biking: Biking is one of the most popular modes of transportation in Northern Cyprus. Especially in small cities, a bicycle is an ideal means of transportation for students to the university and other parts of the city.
Bicycle rental: Bicycles can be easily rented in North Cyprus. The cost of renting a bicycle depends on the type of bicycle and the rental period. On average, to rent a regular bike per day, you should pay around 5 euros.

4. Books and stationery:

Cost of books: The price of books in North Cyprus depends on the field of study, the level of study and the language of the book. In general, the cost of books for each semester will be between 100 and 200 euros.
Stationery: Stationery is abundant in North Cyprus and its price is similar to other European countries. The cost of stationery for each semester will be between 50 and 100 euros.

5. Entertainment and fun:

Recreational expenses: Recreational expenses in North Cyprus depend on the lifestyle and interests of each student. However, in general, Northern Cyprus is considered a country with low entertainment costs.
Price example: For example, the price of a cinema ticket in Northern Cyprus is about 5 euros and the price of a museum entrance ticket is about 10 euros.

6. Health insurance:

Student Insurance: International students in North Cyprus are required to have health insurance. The cost of student insurance in Northern Cyprus is about 100 euros per year.

7. Miscellaneous expenses:

Mobile phone cost: Mobile phone cost in North Cyprus depends on the operator and the type of package chosen. On average, for a credit SIM card with 30 GB of Internet and 100 minutes of talk time, you should pay about 20 euros per month.
Internet cost: Internet cost in North Cyprus depends on the speed and type of connection. On average, for an ADSL connection with a speed of 16 Mbps, you should pay about 25 euros per month.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

In the next section, we will examine the benefits of studying in North Cyprus as well as the scholarships available in this country.

Advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus

Studying in North Cyprus brings many advantages to international students. Along with the cost of student living in North Cyprus, which is significantly lower than other European and American countries, the country also offers other advantages that make it an ideal choice for students.

In this section, we mention some of the advantages of studying in North Cyprus:

  • High quality of education: North Cyprus universities are scientifically prestigious and many of them have a good position in world rankings.
  • Diversity of study fields: North Cyprus universities offer students a wide range of study fields at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels.
  • Ability to study in English: Most universities in North Cyprus teach in English, making it easier for international students who are fluent in English to study.
  • Low tuition fees: The tuition fees of North Cyprus universities are much lower compared to other European and American countries.
  • Scholarships: Many universities in North Cyprus offer scholarships to international students.
    Validity of academic qualifications: academic qualifications of North Cyprus universities are valid in most countries of the world.
  • Job opportunities: some fields of study in North Cyprus have a good job market and students can work in this country after graduation.
  • Security: Northern Cyprus is a safe country with a low crime rate.
  • Favorable climate: Northern Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters.
    Access to tourist attractions: North Cyprus has many tourist attractions such as beautiful beaches, historical monuments, etc.
  • Rich culture: Northern Cyprus has a rich culture and history that can be attractive to international students.
    Warm-hearted people: The people of Northern Cyprus are known for their hospitality and warm-heartedness.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

Besides the mentioned advantages, studying in North Cyprus also provides unique opportunities for students. For example, students can master the Turkish-Istanbul language during their studies and in this way, create new job and study opportunities for themselves.

Considering the many advantages and the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus, which is very affordable, studying in this country can be an ideal option for students who are looking for a new and high-quality experience during their studies.

In the next section, we will examine the scholarships available in North Cyprus.

Scholarships in Northern Cyprus

Studying in North Cyprus can be financially challenging for some students, despite the many benefits and the cost of student living in North Cyprus, which is significantly lower than other European and American countries. However, scholarships can overcome this challenge to a great extent.

Scholarships are financial aid awarded to deserving students to cover part or all of their education costs. Scholarships in Northern Cyprus are offered by universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as some foundations and private institutions.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

Types of scholarships in North Cyprus:

  • Full scholarships: This type of scholarship covers all the student’s education expenses, including tuition, living expenses, etc.
  • Partial Scholarships: This type of scholarship covers only part of the student’s tuition fees.
  • Merit-based scholarships: This type of scholarship is awarded to students who are academically outstanding.
  • Need-Based Scholarships: This type of scholarship is awarded to students who are in financial need.
  • Sports Scholarships: This type of scholarship is awarded to students who work in sports fields.

Conditions for receiving scholarships in North Cyprus:

  • Nationality: Most scholarships in North Cyprus are awarded to international students.
  • Educational level: Scholarships are offered at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels.
  • Field of study: Some scholarships are dedicated to specific fields of study.
  • Academic grade: Students applying for scholarships must have an acceptable academic grade.
  • Scientific abilities: some scholarships are awarded to students who have been significantly active in scientific and research fields.
  • Financial need: Students applying for some scholarships must be financially needy.
  • Sports activities: Students applying for sports scholarships must have sufficient experience and skills in the desired sports fields.

How to apply for scholarships in North Cyprus:

  • Universities: To receive scholarships, students can go to the website of their desired university and complete the relevant forms.
  • Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations: Some governmental and non-governmental organizations in North Cyprus offer scholarships. Students can visit the websites of these organizations for more information about these scholarships.
  • Private Foundations and Institutions: Some private foundations and institutions in North Cyprus also offer scholarships. Students can refer to the website of these foundations and institutions for more information about these scholarships.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus


As you can see, the cost of living in North Cyprus is much lower compared to many European and American countries. By choosing a dormitory instead of an apartment, cooking at home instead of eating out in a restaurant, and using public transportation, the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus can be significantly reduced.

Kargar Consulting and Investment Company with more than 14 years of successful experience in the field of investment and property purchase in North Cyprus and with more than 18 active branches in Iran, Turkey and North Cyprus, is always with you to create a unique experience of studying in this country. hit. Our experienced experts at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company are ready to provide you with free advice on the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus and other issues related to studying in this country.

For more information and free consultation, contact us at Kargar Consulting and Investment Company.

Cost of student living in Northern Cyprus

Frequently asked questions about the cost of living as a student in Northern Cyprus:

1. What is the most important factor in determining the cost of student living in North Cyprus?

Answer: The most important factor in determining the cost of student living in North Cyprus is the student’s lifestyle. Students who like to have fun and go out at night will naturally incur more expenses. But for students who prefer to live a simpler lifestyle, the cost of student living in North Cyprus will be very affordable for them.

2. What is the cheapest type of accommodation for students in North Cyprus?

Answer: The cheapest type of accommodation for students in Northern Cyprus is the government student dormitories. The cost of living as a student in Northern Cyprus will be between 200 and 300 euros per month if you choose a government dormitory.

3. Is it possible to cook at home for students in North Cyprus?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to cook at home for students in North Cyprus. In fact, cooking at home is one of the best ways to reduce the cost of living as a student in North Cyprus. The cost of living as a student in Northern Cyprus by cooking at home is reduced to around 150-200 euros per month for one person.

4. What type of transportation is suitable for students in North Cyprus?

Answer: Bus, bicycle and walking are the most convenient modes of transportation for students in North Cyprus. The cost of buses in Northern Cyprus is about 1 euro per trip. Students can benefit from lower prices by purchasing discount cards. Cycling is also one of the most popular modes of transportation in North Cyprus. Especially in small cities, a bicycle is an ideal means of transportation for students to the university and other parts of the city.

5. Is it possible to receive a scholarship in North Cyprus?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to receive a scholarship in North Cyprus. Scholarships in North Cyprus are offered by universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as some foundations and private institutions.

.We hope this article was useful for you

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